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Saturday 17 November 2012

How to Download as Fast as Your Internet Will Allow

This is a guest post by Jared.
Have you ever downloaded a large file before and found yourself annoyed at how slow it takes to receive it?
This is a frustrating issue that can irritate even the most enduring of individuals.
Modern technology has produced a new generation of impatient people.
No Speed Limit
Remember when…
Not too long ago, we all got online via a telephone line.  As much as we may want to forget, connections ran at a really slow pace then.  Could you imagine now trying to download a large software update on a dial-up modem?  It might take the better part of the next week for the update to finish!
Internet for a modern world
Luckily the internet and how fast you can connect to it have evolved.  And it is now possible for you to reach incredible download rates due to these advances.
Internet providers now compete with one another on how fast their connections are.  Surfing and downloading on the web is now all about the speed.
A little background on Usenet
Over 30 years ago, more than a decade before the introduction of the World Wide Web, Usenet was released to the public.  Usenet was the Facebook of its day.  The most advanced social network the world had ever seen.
And much like the Web has evolved over the past 20 years, Usenet has also transformed drastically.
Today, Usenet is a great resource for downloading quality audio, video and images uploaded by users.  And the best part is that Usenet makes it possible to download at uncapped speeds.
What does uncapped download speed mean?
Depending on how fast your internet connection is, you could download a large file within a matter of minutes.
Usenet providers that offer uncapped speeds will let you download as fast as your connection will allow. This is a very important feature distinctive to Usenet.
When downloading anything you most likely want to get it as fast as possible. This is simply not possible with other download methods.
Other download technologies are based on shared connections from others and you are limited on how fast you can receive data.
How does this work?
In contrast to a shared connection with multiple users, Usenet allows for a direct connection to a server.
Usenet uses premium grade servers to store content. When you access them you are able to download directly from that server to your computer.  There is no middle man and no relying on others to get the content you want.
With an uncapped connection to a Usenet server, you can literally max out your Internet connection.  Using your full bandwidth to download your files.
It is important to make sure that your Usenet provider doesn’t cap or throttle your connection.  You can only achieve the fastest downloads with an uncapped connection.
Is speed important to you?
If so, then you will be impressed with the download capabilities of Usenet.
In this day and age when it seems like a new advance in technology is happening every day, it is good to know that the foundational technology of the Internet is still alive and well.
Usenet has withstood the test of time and has been providing unmatched benefits to its users for more than 30 years

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